From Editor’s Desk

British Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (BJPMR) We are glad to announce that the British Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (BJPMR) Scientific Journal is developed with the aim to assist researchers to grow at all levels – research scholars, scientists, professors, post-docs and students who are seeking publishing opportunities for their research work. Every new idea gives birth to a new dream and every new dream gives us the inspiration to explore the unlimited potential of human mind. I strongly believe that the Researchers have the unmatched intellect, enormous persistence, deep passion coupled with rich human values by which they can accept all challenges and shine apart in the global arena to be successful in all walks of life.

In order to be successful in life, it is necessary to think big and have bigger dreams, as I strongly believe that such dreams and goals can be achieved with unflinching faith in God. Innovative ideas in the field of interest can come to you spontaneously at any moment provided, you are passionate about it, you are anxious to do something novel, something out-of-the-box, something never done before. I believe that this is possible to train our minds to be innovative and creative. if we develop this innovative mindset particularly among our youth, it ca act as a catalyst for the intellectual, economic and societal growth of our country and enable us to occupy our rightful place as a global leader. I firmly maintain that learning must provoke more curiosity in the minds of the scholars and it should inspire them to think beyond just the ordinary, to come up with new ideas and lead to meaningful research in various field.

In the times of ever changing technologies research and innovation have the enormous capability of bringing about socio-economic growth and impact the political will to take the Nation forward. It is indeed a commendable effort on the part of the organizers to bring together researchers from various disciplines and academia. I am certain that the journal will provide the perfect platform for exchange of ideas, technologies and innovative thought sharing to bring remarkable inputs to address new emerging issues and studies for societal benefits. therefore, I foresee this journal as an excellent opportunity for fostering scientific networking in an endeavor to give a fillip to gap in our scientific knowledge and skills. Before we close, we are tempted to refer to a beautiful quote from Lisa Goldenberg. Which says, “people who refer to out-of-box, see the box, but people who do not see that the box even exits, are the innovative thinker.” Wishing you a stimulating reading.

Editor in chief